Leadership Transition

Leadership Transition

Throughout the fall semester, student group presidents and other officers should begin involving new students in activities and watching for natural leaders to emerge. There is no prescribed process for selecting new leadership teams—each individual group may institute a process that is most appropriate for their group, so long as it is codified in the bylaws.

Typically, there is some form of application or election. We recommend making the "job descriptions" and qualifications of the positions publicly available and advertising early! Encourage under represented voices to run. If you do decide to hold elections, SloanGroups offers a secure way to do so – instructions can be found here.

Transition Plan Outline

  • New presidents should be selected prior to spring SIP so that they have time to overlap with outgoing leadership and attend spring club leaders' onboarding and trainings in early April.
  • NOTE: Significant others are welcome to join leadership teams as officers, but the administrative roles (Finance Lead & Space Reserver) MUST be filled by current students due to the permissions and access required to carry out these functions.
  • Make the changing of leadership an event for your organization
  • Have 4-6 week overlap of current and newly elected officers/leaders
  • Create/pass on the organizational manual
  • Make introductions to key people

Helpful Tips to Share

  • Describe your best and most difficult experiences in this position
  • Offer tips to incoming officers/leaders
  • Name people who are particularly helpful
  • Name useful resources

Transition Checklist

The following checklist for outgoing officers/leaders can help ensure that your leadership transition goes smoothly. Review the following with Outgoing Officers:

  • Organization history
  • Mission statement and officer responsibilities
  • Club by-laws
  • Previous goals and objectives
  • Meeting minutes and reports
  • Budget, financial records, expenses, revenues
  • Marketing collateral
  • Club calendar and events information
  • Status of ongoing and unfinished projects
  • Information about important contacts and relationships with other groups and departments
  • Website, membership and mailing lists, passwords, emails addresses, phone numbers, etc.