MIT Food & Agriculture Club

Become part of our vibrant community.


About Us

The MIT Food and Agriculture Club brings together students – and other MIT community members – to coordinate and support work in the areas of food and agriculture. MIT FAC tackles the systemic problems facing local and global agriculture systems in the following ways: ● Explore the food we eat, where it comes from, and the challenges along the supply chain from farm to table ● Create innovative technology and business solutions through the MIT-Rabobank Food and Agtech Innovation Prize ● Connect people who are passionate about food and agriculture within and beyond the MIT community ● Cultivate professional networks and opportunities that will support career development in food and agriculture Members of the MIT FAC are actively engaged in advocating for and supporting the development of a more sustainable food system on our own campus, as well as enhancing MIT's role in contributing to global agricultural sustainability. Feeding the growing population while eliminating negative social, economic, and environmental consequences is a critical challenge facing the world today. It is also an opportunity to create a more sustainable, equitable global food and agriculture system through collaboration, innovation, and leadership.









Member Benefits

The MIT Food and Agriculture Club hosts various events to foster learning about the food and agriculture industries and to build interest and community at MIT around food and agriculture. These events include: ● Bringing in alumni and industry experts to speak and participate on panels ● Organizing virtual and in-person company visits in Boston, SF, NYC and other cities (COVID-19 permitting) ● Hosting social events within the MIT community and in partnership with other schools/communities in Boston ● Organizing internship and career panels with peers who have worked in the food and agriculture industries ● Organizing the annual MIT Food and Water Prize with J-WAFS

Our Team

Andrew Kerber Profile

Andrew Kerber

Olivia Jones Profile

Olivia Jones

Ameyo Attila Profile

Ameyo Attila

Alexa Katz Profile

Alexa Katz

Conference Lead


MIT Food & Agriculture Club

100 Main Street
Cambridge MA 02139
United States