Lead Yourself.

Lead with Others.

Change the World.

Welcome to the MIT Leadership Center

We're here to help students build the self-knowledge and collaborative capability necessary to make positive organizational and societal change.

MIT's brand of leadership.

At MIT, we believe leadership combines the courage to confront big challenges with the practicality of getting things done. If anyone knows how to tackle the hard problems, it's MIT. Every day, we're reshaping the conventional approach to leadership—turning it upside down and shaking it. Because the future demands it.

Leadership is not a title or a person. It's a process.

At MIT, we're smart enough to know we're smarter together. We're less interested in the various definitions of the term leadership and more interested in enabling diverse individuals to collaborate in solving the world's toughest problems. To us, rigor, innovation, and real outputs matter more than the appearance of success.

Leadership turns analysis into action.

Great ideas are only as good as the actions they create. MIT leaders are both analytic thinkers and relentless experimenters. In our courses and programs, you will learn what it takes to translate ideas into collective action to make positive change. We believe that analytical skill combined with active leadership equals transformation. It's an unbeatable combination.

Leadership is a set of skills anyone can learn.

Leadership development at MIT means examining yourself and others, and how you can work together to maximize performance on three levels—individual, team, and organization. Key to our distinct leadership development process is a diagnostic component that allows you to identify gaps in your own skills, and an action-oriented component that will help you develop skills to close those gaps. And then, we'll give you plenty of opportunities to put what you've learned into practice before you graduate.

We believe that leadership is the process of solving problems that won't otherwise be handled in the existing system.

The leadership process includes a diagnostic component that allows you to identify gaps, along with an action-oriented component that encourages you to utilize skills to close those gaps.

Leadership development means pursuing self and other-awareness in the service of improving performance at three levels; individual, team, and organization.

At Sloan you will learn about and practice leadership from each of these levels.

Looking to up your leadership game and learn how to take effective action?

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