Important Dates:
Design Club Leadership
Application Deadline: Friday, September 25th, 11:59 PM
Application Deadline: Friday, September 25th, 11:59 PM
Notifications will be given by Monday, September 28th.
Workshop 1: 10/2 @ 1-4 pm
Workshop 2: SIP WEEK 10/23 @ 10 am-4 pm (at Continuum!)
Workshop 3: 11/6 @ 3-6 pm
Workshop 4: 11/13 @ 3-6pm
Final Presentation: 11/20 @ 4-7 pm
Club Contacts
Contact the Design Club directly by replying to this email, or by sending a message to design@sloan.mit.edu.
Applications Now Open for DesignWorks and Design Club Leadership
Thank you for being a part of the MIT Sloan Design Club! Our Kickoff on Friday was a huge success - thank you for all of you who made it. We'd love to have each and every one of you continue to be involved with the Design Club. Right now, we have opened VP applications for the Design Club Leadership team and participant applications for the Fall 2015 DesignWorks program.
Your Design Club Co-Presidents,
Anita Wu + Andrea Schneider
Join the Design Club Leadership Team:
The Design Club is MIT Sloan’s focal point for all things related to design. Our mission is to promote the awareness and practice of Design Thinking in our community, and encourage creative confidence in the student body.
We do this with MIT's motto, "Mens et Manus", in mind: "Mind and Hand" translates to our various Design Thinking projects ("DesignWorks" program, "Design Learning") and Design Doing (creating things, often as a fun break from class during the semester).
The Club is looking to fill VP positions with students who are keen to create wonderful things that fulfil our mission.
DC Leadership Roles:
- DesignWorks: plan, organise and run our flagship program. They act as a liaison to Continuum and clients, and are the critical to the success of the program.
- Design Learning: promoting design thinking in our curriculum; this involves working with faculty and Continuum to run a SIP workshop and work towards creating a for-credit class during semester
- Design Doing: help organise fun events that engage the hand and mind; previous events have included PaintNite, pumpkin carving, paper flowers for Valentine's Day. Design Doing also incorporates our interest in helping club members become more familiar with the maker movements (3D printing, Hobby Shop program)
- Special Projects: practise design thinking in collaboration with other parts of MIT - $100K Competition, SEID projects, etc. Whatever takes your fancy.
- Communications and Marketing: help us tell people about what we're doing! This role also includes creating a bi-monthly newsletter and a keeping a keen eye on design trends.
- Operations: help us manage the leadership team and the club members
Design Club Leadership Application: http://goo.gl/forms/fwvVX37ceq
Apply to the Fall 2015 DesignWorks Program:
Learn how to apply design principles such as problem framing, qualitative research, ideation, prototyping, and other exciting methods to innovation. 20 students will be selected to work in teams to learn design thinking tools by engaging in real-world projects with local businesses we have already sourced.
The experience and SIP workshop will be facilitated by 2nd year Sloan mentors and our amazing coaches, consultants from the prominent design firm Continuum. One of the events will be held at Continuum's amazing office in Newton, MA. The final presentations of your work will be hosted at a fun celebration with your peers and leadership from Sloan and Continuum.
The 7-week experience includes workshops, mentorship meetings, and project team meetings, and will provide you a deep understanding of how human-centered design thinking can help leaders innovate within their organizations. Participants are required to attend all the workshops due to the team-based, sequential nature of this learning experience.
DesignWorks Application: http://goo.gl/forms/TsZ5R4LVRC