Student Clubs - Professional
Website Mission Membership Benefits
Contact: Email group officers
Mission Sloan Entrepreneurs for International Development (SEID) is the intersection of international development and entrepreneurship at MIT Sloan. Our mission is to enable members to actively engage in international development through collaboration with entrepreneurs worldwide. In addition, we seek to foster a community at MIT Sloan through which members possess the resources to expand their knowledge of international development and explore career opportunities therein.
Membership BenefitsProjectsMembers will receive the opportunity to participate in at least one SEID consulting project during their time at Sloan. Projects involve working on a team of 4-5 Sloanies with diverse business experience to address a high impact initiative at a startup in a developing nation. Partner organizations come from a variety of sectors and meet with their SEID team on a regular basis to provide feedback and guidance. Projects typically span 10-12 weeks, beginning in October and February. This includes 1-2 weeks to agree on scope, 5-8 weeks of research and problem solving, 2-3 weeks to finalize recommendations, and a final presentation of deliverables. Projects also offer the potential for a self-funded onsite visit with the partner organization to deliver final recommendations.SpeakersMembers are offered guaranteed access to SEID-sponsored events, where dynamic speakers from the international development community will deliver their perspective on pressing issues.Community and Career ResourcesMembers are invited to all SEID social functions and gain access to career resources in the international development space through the SEID newsletter.