Banner for 🎬 Brazil Club Presents: Central do Brasil - Film and Debate Night 🇧🇷

🎬 Brazil Club Presents: Central do Brasil – Film & Debate Night 🇧🇷

by Brazilian Club


Tue, Apr 1, 2025

7 PM – 9 PM EDT (GMT-4)

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Price $10


Brazilian cinema just made history with an Oscar win, and it all connects back to Central do Brasil! Directed by Walter Salles and starring Fernanda Montenegro, this was the last Brazilian film nominated for an Academy Award—until this year, when Salles’ latest film, featuring Montenegro’s daughter, took home the Oscar.

This deeply moving story follows a retired schoolteacher and a young boy on a journey through Brazil, exploring themes of love, loss, and resilience. Join us for a special screening and discussion about its impact, its legacy, and the evolution of Brazilian cinema.

📅 Date: April 1st, starting promprtly at 7!
🍿 Brazilian snacks and beverages provided!

Come for the film, stay for the conversation—let’s celebrate this milestone in Brazilian cinema together! 🎥✨
Dress Casual (jeans ok)
Food Provided